use of ago and before

use of ago and before

Use of ago and before (ago and before का प्रयोग)

Table of Contents

Ago is used with a past tense and a time expression to count back from the present.
His father died three years ago.
He left ten minutes ago.
Before is used with a past perfect tense to count back from a past moment. Before can also be used to mean ‘at any time before now / then. With this meaning, it can be used with both present and past perfect tenses.
I have seen her before.

Use of Ago (Ago का प्रयोग)

Rule 1:- Ago का प्रयोग भुटकाल में पहले या पूर्व(past, gone by) के अर्थ में past tense में किया जाता है। Ago का प्रयोग हम past में समय बताने के लिए किया जाता है।अगर विस्तार से बात करे तो वर्तमान समय (present time)में खड़े होकर अपने past time(बीते हुए समय) की गणना करना तो वहां ago का प्रयोग होता है।

  1. I come to Patna exactly eighteen years ago.
  2. The train left a few minutes ago.
  3. He went to Mumbai five years ago.
  4. T accident happened ten years ago.
  5. I come to Delhi two years ago.
  6. I started learning English two years ago.
  7. Her father died four years ago.
  8. Michael got a letter from her just a little while ago.
  9. I was living in Paris 12 years ago.
  10. We went to visit my brother 2 weeks ago.

Rule 2:- Ago के बाद that का प्रयोग किया जाता है ,न की since का।

  1. It was five years ago that my grandfather died.
  2. It is five years since my grandfather died.

Use of before (Before का प्रयोग)

Rule 1:- Before का प्रयोग पहले ,भूतकाल में तथा पहले से ही के अर्थ में किया जाता है।

  1. I have done this work before.
  2. I have seen this film before.
  3. Have you ever been here before?

Rule 2:- Before का प्रयोग Before than और time in the past के अर्थ में simple past tense किया जाता है।

  1. I went to the airport last Monday to meet my friend before.
  2. I saw him last Friday in Mumbai and two days before in Patna.
  3. they never before saw such a dreadful sight.

Rule 3:- Before का प्रयोग past में किसी समय से पहले के अर्थ में past parfect tense में किया जाता है।

  1. He said that he had come back from his village two days before.

Rule 4:- before का प्रयोग ‘उस समय से पूर्व ‘ के (previous of the time when ) के अर्थ में conjunction of time के रूप में दो sentnces को जोड़ने के लिए simple present tense तथा simple past tense में किया जाता है।

  1. The crops will have dried before the rain falls.
  2. The patient had died before the doctor came.
  3. You must learn your lesson before you leave the class.

Rule 5:- before का प्रयोग आगे /पहले (earlier than ) के अर्थ में preposition के रूप में point of time के पहले होता है।

  1. I reached home before 7 o’clock.
  2. You must go there before Monday.

Some more rules of use before

Rule 6:- before का प्रयोग “सामने ” (in front of ) के अर्थ में preposition के रूप में किया जाता है।

  1. The accused stood before the judge.
  2. He stood before me.

Rule 7:- before का प्रयोग “उपस्थिति में ” (in presence of ) के अर्थ में preposition के रूप में किया जाता है।

  1. He was brought before the teacher.

Rule 8:- before का प्रयोग “विचाराधीन ” (under the consideration ) के अर्थ में preposition के रूप में किया जाता है।

  1. The case is before the court.

Rule 9:- before का प्रयोग “पहले ” (ahead of ) के अर्थ में preposition के रूप में किया जाता है।

  1. C comes before D in the alphabet.

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