types of adverbs

types of adverbs

Types of Adverbs – क्रियाविशेषण के प्रकार

Table of Contents

Hello friends, I’m Murli from engishspoken.com, we are going to learn types of adverbs with examples.

Definition:– An adverb is a word/a set of words that modifies verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. It tells when, where, and how an action is performed or indicates the quality or degree of the action.

types of adverbs

  • adverbs of reason (कारणवाचक क्रियाविशेषण)
  • Adverbs of frequency (आवृतिवाचक क्रियाविशेषण)
  • Adverbs of time (कालवाचक क्रियाविशेषण)
  • Adverbs of manner (रीतिवाचक क्रियाविशेषण)
  • Adverbs of degree (परिमाणवाचक क्रियाविशेषण)
  • Adverbs of place (स्थानवाचक क्रियाविशेषण)
  • Adverbs of Affirmation or Negation (नकारात्मक एवं स्वीकारात्मक क्रियाविशेषण)
  • Interrogative Adverbs (प्रश्नवाचक क्रियाविशेषण)
  • Relative Adverbs (सम्बन्धवाचक क्रियाविशेषण)

All Adverbs list

  1. Adverbs of reason    types of adverbs

वे Adverbs जो Reason (कारण ) के भाव को अभिव्यक्त (एक्सप्रेस ) करते है। Adverbs of reason कहलाते है। जैसे:- therefore, hence, because, so, etc.

Adverbs of Reason are also sometimes referred to as Adverbs of Purpose. Adverbs of Reason are words used to tell the reason behind the happening of a particular occurrence. Some examples of the Adverbs of reason are – therefore, hence, because, so, etc.


  • she Was therefore fined.
  • I, therefore, left school.
  • Because he was not feeling well, he didn’t go to school today.
  • It was raining heavily; therefore, we stayed in the house.
  • He was late and hence was not allowed to attend the assembly.
  • I was hungry so I ate pizza.
  • Since it is hot, I am getting uncomfortable.
  • Accidentally he wrote his father’s name instead of his.


‘Why is the interrogative adverb of reason used to ask a reason about something? Consider the following sentences-

  • Why is Rahul not showing up for the lectures?
  • Why is your father not contesting in the elections?
  • Why didn’t you go with your friends to the movie?
  • Why is it so hot inside the bus?
  • Why don’t you listen attentively in class?
  1. Adverbs of frequency/ number    types of adverbs

वे Adverbs जो किसी action (कार्य )के होने की संख्या अथवा बारम्बारता को अभिव्यक्त (express ) करते हो Adverbs of frequency/ number कहलाते है। जैसे:- constantly, frequently, occasionally, sometimes, usually, never, always, rarely, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, once, twice, thrice, again, seldom, scarcely, hardly, often, etc.

A number of adverbs are used to describe the frequency of an event. By doing so, these adverbs describe how often something happens.

constantly, frequently, occasionally, sometimes, usually, never, always, rarely, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, once, twice, thrice, again, seldom, scarcely, hardly, often, etc.

Examples:-  types of adverbs

  • he has not seen her once.
  • she seldom dances.
  • We always try to do our best.
  • usually put butter and syrup on my pancakes.
  • She never drives on icy roads.
  • Sometimes, Mark gets coffee for his coworkers.
  • always read a book before bed.
  • He normally walks his dog at this time.
  • She usually shops at the Korean market in town.
  • We never stay up past ten o’clock.
  • I’d love to visit Denmark again. 
  1. Adverbs of time

वे adverbs जो समय time को express अभिव्यक्त करते है। adverbs of time  कहलाते है। जैसे:-today, yesterday, tomorrow, tonight, last night, last day, last month, last week, next day, next week, next month, now, just now, ago, early, the day after tomorrow, the day before yesterday, soon, later, now, eventually, forever, still, yet, early, late, recently, since, etc

Some adverbs tell us when something happens. Adverbs of time include words that refer to specific times and more general time periods.

today, yesterday, tomorrow, tonight, last night, last day, last month, last week, next day, next week, next month, now, just now, ago, early, the day after tomorrow, the day before yesterday, soon, later, now, eventually, forever, still, yet, early, late, recently, since,  etc.

Examples:-    types of adverbs

  • He saw me yesterday. 
  • I have seen her before.
  • She comes here daily.
  • dev arrived late today.
  • We are going to see a movie tomorrow.
  • My daughter hasn’t learned how to tie her shoes yet.
  • Recently, Trevor got a job as a construction worker.
  • I went to school a little late yesterday.
  • He always gets a good result.
  • I will leave Monday.
  • He smokes occasionally.
  • Lately, you’ve been rude to everyone around.
  • They recently relocated to Santa Fe.
  • The morning newspaper arrives earlier.
  • We’ll take a trip to Yosemite later.
  • I’ll finish my project tomorrow.

types of adverbs

  1. Adverbs of manner

वे adverbs जो क्रिया का ढंग बतलाता है कि क्रिया कैसे/किस प्रकार से संपन्न हुई है| adverbs of manner कहलाते है। जैसे:-angrily, cautiously, hungrily, nicely, slowly, deftly, precisely, unknowingly, loudly, fast, hard, bravely, foolishly, loudly, soundly, badly, carefully, beautifully, clearly, well, firm, etc.

Adverbs of manner tell us how something happens. A huge number of adverbs fall under this type and many of the  -ly adverbs formed from adjectives fit into this group.


angrily, cautiously, hungrily, nicely, slowly, deftly, precisely, unknowingly, loudly, fast, hard, bravely, foolishly, loudly, soundly, badly, carefully, beautifully, clearly, well, firm, etc.


  • The horse ran fast.
  • He works hard.
  • They fought bravely.
  • He should not do so.
  • The clown skillfully made animals out of balloons.
  • She bravely rescued a kitten from a tree.
  • This book is well written.
  • Aditi acted wisely.
  • Natalie wisely took an extra umbrella with her.
  • Let’s divide the prizes equally.
  • Please, handle the camera carefully.
  • Mike is walking slowly.
  • He is running fast.
  1. Adverbs of degree        types of adverbs

वे adverbs जो जिससे यह बोध होता है कि किसी Action, Adjective, या Adverb की तीव्रता किस हद तक या कितनी है| जैसे :-very, really, extremely, incredibly, too, quite, barely, deeply, fairly, greatly, hardly, highly, intensely, somewhat, totally, little, less, least, much, more, most

Generally, adverbs of degree describe the intensity of an action or quality. These adverbs are often used as intensifiers to describe adjectives and other adverbs.

very, really, extremely, incredibly, too, quite, barely, deeply, fairly, greatly, hardly, highly, intensely, somewhat, totally, little, less, least, much, more, most

Examples    types of adverbs

  • He was too careless.
  • She was very tired.
  • It is really hot in the basement.
  • That book is much too
  • He barely knew how to cook at all.
  • She is rather busy.
  • He is quite wrong.
  • She completely forgot about her anniversary.
  • I read the newspaper thoroughly.
  • I am so excited about the new job.
  • Robin hardly studies
  1. Adverbs of place         

वे adverbs जो place स्थान को अभिव्यक्त करते है Adverbs ऑफ़ place कहलाते है।  जैसे :- here, there, everywhere, nowhere, somewhere, anywhere, in, out, inside, outside, wherever, on, off, over, under, away, left, right, north, south, east, west

Adverbs of place tell us where something happens.

here, there, everywhere, nowhere, somewhere, anywhere, in, out, inside, outside, wherever, on, off, over, under, away, left, right, north, south, east, west


  • He was sitting here. 
  • My brother in low is out.
  • She looked up.
  • there is air everywhere.
  • In Ireland, there are thatched-roof cottages everywhere.
  • There are more boxes over there.
  • It’s time for lunch, so go inside.
  • You can park anywhere.
  • Let’s go back before we get lost.
  • I can’t find my keys anywhere.
  • She loves to spend sunny afternoons outside by the pool.
  • The lost travelers went north until they found a small town.
  • I went through the jungle.
  • He plays in the field.
  • Divyansh is going to school.
  • He is staying at my home

7. Adverbs of Affirmation or Negation 

वे Adverb जो Affirmation or Negation(सकारात्मक और नकारात्मक ) के भाव को एक्सप्रेस करते हो। Adverb of Affirmation or Negation कहलाते है। जैसे:- not, surely, indeed, by no means, not at all, certainly, definitely, never, no, etc.

Adverb of Affirmation or Negation is a word that declares that something is true or some equivalent expression or negative statement, judgment, or a logical proposition.

not, surely, indeed, by no means, not at all, certainly, definitely, never, no, etc.


  • she did not come after all.
  • surely he is right.
  • I do not know her.
  • She is certainly going through a hard time.
  • There was no visibility during the rains.
  • Teachers should never agree to the illogical demands of the students.
  • Eager to know his son’s progress, he will definitely attend the parent’s teacher meeting.
  • The moon is very clearly visible from the terrace of my house.
  • Things turned out to be exactly the same as expected.
  • On all my visits to the forests, I rarely spotted a tiger.
  • I had hardly gone for few miles when the car broke down.
  • The generator I have is scarcely ever used.
  • With the kind of dedication he has, he will surely be rewarded at work.
  • After the Principal’s resignation, the students can hardly be controlled.


types of adverbs

      8. Interrogative Adverbs 

वे adverbs जो प्रश्न पूछने के लिए प्रयुक्त किये जाते है Interrogative Adverbs कहलाते है। जैसे:-when, how long, how early, how soon, how many, how much, how often, how many times, how far, etc.

Adverbs that are used for asking questions are called interrogative adverbs. There are several different kinds of interrogative adverbs.

when, how long, how early, how soon, how many, how much, how often, how many times, how far, etc.

For example :

1. When will you finish this job?
2. How long will you stay here?
3. How early can you reach home?
4. How soon can you begin work?

Interrogative Adverbs of Place: where

For example :

1. Where do you live?
2. Where has she come from?
3. Where can I find him?

Interrogative Adverbs of Number: how many, how often, how much

For example :

1. How many students are there in the class?
2. How often does the committee meet?

Interrogative Adverbs of Manner: how

For example :

1. How are you doing?
2. How was the experience?
3. How did you do it?

Interrogative Adverbs of Degree = Interrogative Adverbs of Quantity: how much, how far, how high

For example :

1. How much did you pay?
2. How far can you go?
3. How much more do you want?

Interrogative Adverbs of Reason: why

For example :

1. Why are you crying?
2. Why did you quit?
3. Why do you hate her?

Sentences with appropriate interrogative adverbs :

1. When do you usually go to the park?
2. How did you arrive at this answer?
3. Why is this place so crowded?
4. How far is the zoo from here?
5. Where can I meet you?
6. Why did you manage this?
7. When does your semester start?
8. What was the experience?
9. Why do you want to go there?
10. How do you operate this computer?

Sentences with appropriate adverbs :

1. Miss Rama sings sweetly.
2. The umbrella was kept there.
3. Uncle Pathak often goes to the market.
4. Ojas ran quickly to kick the ball.
5. When are we going out?
6. Tapas went to the circus yesterday.
7. Mrs. Chatterjee rang the bell twice.
8. Kiran will buy some bananas tomorrow.
9. Rekha rarely makes mistakes.
10. The child slept soundly.

09. Relative adverbs 

जब Interrogative Adverbs का प्रयोग दो sentences को जोड़ने के लिए किया जाता है। तो Relative adverbs  कहलाते है।

Relative adverbs are words that provide more information about the people, places or things being discussed. Beyond that, relative adverbs join clauses and sentences together. They are used at the beginning of adjective clauses, which are also referred to as relative clauses. That’s a lot of heavy lifting for a “when,” “where” or “why” question.

There are three commonly used relative adverbs:

  • when
  • where
  • why
  • We danced by the table where we could see the view.
  • This is the coffee shop where we’ll find the best cup o’ joe.
  • This is the garden where they took their photos.
  • Her mass of library of books is the reason why she’s so well-spoken.
  • Can you provide more information on why this conclusion is valid?
  • I have no idea why he called.
  • Gone are the days when I could stay up all night.
  • The 50s were a time when the family unit was largely intact.
  • That’s the year when we got married.

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Welcome! I’m Murli and I hope you enjoyed the post, “types of adverbs”. If it is useful for you then like and share the website. Please contact me if you have any questions or comments.

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