Degree of the Adjective part- 02

Degree of the Adjective part- 02

Degree of the Adjective Part -02 (M-Z)

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Degree of the Adjective part- 02

The three degrees of adjectives are positive, comparative, and superlative adjectives. The positive degree of an adjective makes no comparison.: The comparative and superlative degrees compare two people, things. The superlative adjective is also used to qualify a person or an object as the best among all its counterparts.

Positive Degree

Positive Degree का प्रयोग किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु के गुण के लिए सामान्यत: तब होता है जब उसकी तुलना न की जा रही हो The positive degree of an adjective makes no comparison.

  • A tall building.
  • She runs fast.
  • This is a beautiful car.
  • Ravi is a good player.

Comparative Degree

Comparative Degree का प्रयोग दो व्यक्ति या वस्तु के गुणों की तुलना करने के लिए किया जाता हैThe comparative degree compares two people, things, actives, or qualities.

  • A taller building than this one.
  • She runs faster than I do.
  • This car is more beautiful than yours.
  • She is more intelligent than her brother.

Superlative Degree

Superlative Degree का प्रयोग दो से अधिक व्यक्ति या वस्तु के गुणों की तुलना के लिए किया जाता हैThe superlative degree compares with more than two-person, things, activities, or quality.

  • The tallest building in the town.
  • She is the fastest runner among the students.
  • This is the most beautiful car I have ever seen
  • Rekha is the most beautiful girl in the school.



Degree of the Adjective part- 02

Degree of the Adjective M-Z  Degree of the Adjective part- 02

Positive  Hindi meaning comparative Superlative
mad पागल madder maddest
mean नीच, मतलब meaner meanest
mild नरम; हलका milder mildest
moist  नम, आर्द्र moister moistest
narrow संकरा narrower narrowest
nasty very bad nastier nastiest
naughty सरारती naughtier naughtiest
near  पास nearer nearest
neat सुव्यवस्थित neater neatest
needy आभावग्रस्त needier neediest
new नया newer newest
nice  अच्छा nicer nicest
noisy सरारती noisier noisiest
odd विचित्र odder oddest
oily तेलीय oilier oiliest
old पुराना older/elder oldest/eldest
plain समतल plainer plainest
polite नम्र, शिष्ट politer politest
poor गरीब poorer poorest
pretty सुन्दर prettier prettiest
proud गर्वित या गर्वयुक्त prouder proudest




the purest    Degree of the Adjective part- 02

quick जल्दी quicker quickest
quiet शांत, ख़ामोश quieter quietest
rare दुर्लभ, विरल rarer rarest
raw कच्चा rawer rawest
rich आमिर richer richest
ripe पका हुवा riper ripest
risky जोखिम भरा; ख़तरनाक riskier riskiest
sad दुखी sadder saddest
safe सरक्षित safer safest
salty नमकीन saltier saltiest
sane समझदार saner sanest
scary डरावना, भयानक scarier scariest
shallow छिछला, गहरा नहीं shallower shallowest
sharp तेज sharper sharpest
shiny चमकीला shinier shiniest
short छोटा shorter shortest
shy शर्मीला shyer shyest
silly नासमझ, नासमझी भरा; बेवक़ूफ़ sillier silliest
simple सीधा साधा simpler simplest
sincere  निश्‍छल sincerer sincerest
skinny दुबला-पतला; सींकिया skinnier skinniest
sleepy उनींदा, निद्रालु  sleepier sleepiest
slim पतला slimmer slimmest
slimy चिपचिपा, कीचड़ वाला slimier slimiest
slow धीमा slower slowest
small छोटा smaller smallest
smart  चालाक  smarter smartest
smelly  बदबूदार smellier smelliest
smoky धुएँ से भरा हुआ smokier smokiest
smooth मुलायम  smoother smoothest
soft  नरम  softer softest
soon जल्दी  sooner soonest
sour खट्टा  sourer sourest
spicy मसालेदार  spicier spiciest
steep बहुत अधिक चढ़ाव या उतार वाला steeper steepest
strange अजनवी  stranger strangest
strict सख्‍़त, कठोर stricter strictest
strong कठोर  stronger strongest
sunny धूपदार sunnier sunniest
sweaty पसीने से तर sweatier sweatiest
sweet मीठा  sweeter sweetest
tall लम्बा  taller tallest
thick गाढ़ा  thicker thickest
thin पतला  thinner thinnest
thirsty प्यासा  thirstier thirstiest


Degree of the Adjective part- 02

बहुत छोटा 



tough कड़ा, कठोर tougher toughest
true सत्य  truer truest
ugly कुरूप  uglier ugliest
warm ठंड से बचाने वाले, गरम warmer warmest
weak कमजोर  weaker weakest
wealthy मूल्यवान  wealthier wealthiest
wet गिला  wetter wettest
wide चौड़ा  wider widest
wild जंगली  wilder wildest
windy हवादार  windier windiest
wise बुद्दिमान  wiser wisest
worldly सांसारिक  worldlier worldliest
worthy सम्‍मान, समर्थन worthier worthiest
young जवान  younger youngest

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