what are clauses in English grammar

What are clauses in English grammar

what are clauses in English grammar?

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what are clauses in English grammar: A group of words that forms part of the sentence and has a subject and a finite verb of its own is called a clause a clause that has only one finite verb in it. 

वाक्य का वह भाग जिसमें एक सब्जेक्ट तथा एक finite verb हो उसे उपवाक्य कहते हैं

He knew that his wife would never come back. इस वाक्य में that his wife could never come back close है इसमें एक सब्जेक्ट  तथा never come finite verb है!

kinds of clause

There are three kinds of clause
Principal clause
Co-ordinate clause
Subordinate clause


  1. principal clause:

the principal Clause is one that makes sense by itself and the four can stand by themselves as a complete sentence. अर्थात वह क्लास जिससे पूर्ण भाव प्रकट हो तथा अपने अर्थ के लिए किसी अन्य क्लास पर निर्भर ना हो जैसे:-

she does not know where I live.

इस वाक्य में see does not know principal clause है क्योंकि इससे पूर्ण भाव प्रकट होता है

  1. Co-ordinate clause:

one of two or more clauses in a sentence that are of equal importance and usually joined by and, or, or but. जब कोई clause किसी दूसरे Clause की verb, noun तथा pronoun के संबंध में कुछ नहीं कहता है बल्कि अलग से कोई सत्‍य बात को बताता है तब वह clause को Coordinate Clause कहते हैं । जैसे

She must eat or she will die.

इस वाक्य मे She must eat तथा  she will die दो स्वतंत्र clause है । परंतु पहला principal clause है, तथा दूसरा Co-ordinate clause है ।

  1. Subordinate clause:

a group of words that is not a sentence but adds information to the main part of the sentence. वह clause जो अपने अर्थ को पूरा करने के लिये Principal या Main Clause पर निर्भर रहता है और वह Subordinating conjunctions से प्रारंभ होता है, उसे sub-ordinate clause कहते हैं । जैसे:-

She asked me why I was crying.

इस वाक्य मे clause; why I was crying अपना पूर्ण अर्थ देने मे असमर्थ है । अत: Subordinate clause है। यह पूर्ण अर्थ देने के लिए पहले भाग  She asked meपर निर्भर है।

 There are three kinds of Subordinate clause
Noun clause
Adjective clause
Adverb clause

                                                      1. noun clause: what are clauses in English grammar

A noun clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a predicate of its own and does the work of a noun. अतः वह clause जो वाक्य में noun का काम करता हो Noun clause कहलाता है। 

Identify: main verb के साथ what लगाने से जो प्रश्न बनता है तथा उसके उत्तर में जो clause प्राप्त होता है उसे Noun clause  कहते है। 

Example :

(1) He expected that he would pass.

Q. He expected……………………………. What?

Ans. that he would pass (noun  clause)

(2)  The teacher asked me whether I had understood the lesson.

Q.  The teacher asked me……………………. what?

Ans.  whether I had understood the lesson. (noun clause)

(Noun clause के connectives अर्थात जोड़ने वाले शब्द है। – whose, who, whom, when, where, which, what, how, that, if, whether.

Noun clause का प्रयोग निम्नलिखित रूपों में किया जाता है। 

  1. Subject to a verb
  2. Object to a verb
  3. An Object to an infinitive
  4. object to a preposition
  5. A complement to an Incomplete verb
  6. Object to a participle
  7. In Opposition to nouns and pronouns.
  1. Subject to a verb – यदि कोई clause किसी verb के subject  के स्थान पर आता है। तो वह Noun clause – Subject to a verb होता है। As a :

1.  that he is a cheat is known to all.

(A)  (it) is known to all ………………. (principal clause)

(B)  that he is a cheat ………………………..noun (sub-ordinate clause)

Subject to a verb- “is”


        2 . Object to a verb: यदि कोई clause किसी वाक्य में finite verb के object का स्थान ले ले तो वह noun clause Object to a verb कहलाता है। As a :

(1) She says that she has forgotten the keys at home.

(A)  She says ………………. (principal clause)

(B) that she has forgotten the keys at home………….. noun (sub-ordinate clause)

Object to a verb- “Says”

3  Object to an infinitive: यदि कोई clause वाक्य में  Infinitive के बाद प्रारम्भ हो और Object का काम करें, तो वह Noun clause Object to an infinitive होता है।

(1)  I am happy to know that you have got the first position in the class.

(A)   I am happy to know  ………………. (principal clause)

(B)  that you have got the first position in the class ……………………. noun (sub-ordinate clause)

Object to an infinitive- “to know”

4. Object to a preposition: यदि कोई clause वाक्य में किसी preposition के बाद object के रूप में आये तो वह Noun clause Object to a preposition होता है। 

(1) you should carefully listen to the words of the teacher.

(A)  you should carefully listen to …………………  (principal clause)

(B)  the words of the teacher…………………..  noun (sub-ordinate clause)  Object to preposition- “to

5.  Object to a participle: यदि कोई clause किसी participle के बाद आए ओर objext का काम करें तो वह Noun clause Object to participle होता है । 

(1)  he went to the teacher finding that he could not solve the sum himself.

(A)  he went to the teacher finding …………………  (principal clause)

(B)  that he could not solve the sum himself…………………… Noun clause Object to participle ” finding “


6.  Complement to an incomplete Verb: यदि principal clause के अंत मे कोई हेलपिंग वर्ब हो हो तो उसके बाद आने वाले clause को Noun clause Complement to an incomplete Verb कहते है । क्योकि इस clause का प्रयोग अर्थ को पूरा करने के लिए किया जाता है । 

(1) it seems that she will teach us.

(A)  it seems …………………  (principal clause)
(B)  that she will teach us……………………….. noun (sub-ordinate clause) Complement to an incomplete Verb “seems”

7.   In opposition to a noun and pronoun:- यदि किसी CLAUSE का प्रयोग noun  and pronoun का आशय व्यक्त करने के लिए किया गया हो तो वह noun clause In opposition to a noun and pronoun कहलाता है।

(1)    the news that my brother has passed gave me immense pleasure.

A.    the news……………………………… (principal clause)

B.    that my brother has passed gave me immense pleasure………………. noun (sub-ordinate clause) In opposition to a noun and pronoun.

                                                                  2. adjective clause

what are clauses in English grammar

An Adjective clause does the work of an adjective therefore it qualifies a noun and a pronoun.

Adjective clause वाक्य में एक Adjective का कार्य करता है। अर्थात यह किसी अन्य clause के नाउन और प्रोनाउन की विशेषता बतलाता है। 

यह relative pronoun who, which, that, whom, whose और as से आरम्भ होते है। कभी कभी यह  Relative Adverb how, when, where, why से भी आरम्भ होते है। 

                                                                          3.  Adverb clause

What are clauses in English grammar

 जो clause वाक्य में adverb (क्रियाविशेषण) का काम करता है उसे adverb clause कहा जाता है। Adverb Clause को जानने से पहले adverb क्या होता है ये जानना जरूरी है। 

Adverbs are the words or a clause (a group of words) that show the quality of verb/adjective/another adverb or provide some additional information about them. In other words, An Adverb polishes/describes a verb, an adjective or another adverb.

Adverb clause does the work of an adverb in complex sentences. it may modify a verb, an adjective, or an adverb in the principal clause.

अर्थात Adverb clause वाक्य में Adverb का काम करता है। Adverb clause वह subordinate clause है। जो किसी अन्य clause में आये verb, adverb या adjective को modify करता है।  

Adverb clause निम्नलिखित बातो को प्रकट करता है। 

  1. Reason or cause
  2. time
  3. place
  4. condition
  5. purpose
  6. manner
  7. extent
  8. comparison
  9. contrast
  10. Result

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